Neurodiversity at Work Survey

CALL TO ACTION EDA is a partner in the Erasmus Neurodiversity at Work (NEW) Project, which is working to build awareness and supports to make workplaces more inclusive. Please help us by completing a survey to share your experience on neurodiversity in the workplace. You can take our survey now at The survey is […]

Dyslexia@Work Event in European Parliament

EDA was delighted to co-host the final multiplier event of the Dyslexia@Work project with Alexis Georgoulis MEP in the European Parliament in Brussels on October 13. As well as the in person attendees, the event was livestreamed on Facebook to reach a wide audience. We were honoured to have messages of support from President Roberta […]

Sad Announcement

EDA is sad to report the death of our former President Michael Kalmar who passed away this August. Michael was hugely dedicated to the field of dyslexia and to the development of the EDA. He was involved with EDA for several decades, as a Board member and later as Vice President and then President. Michael […]

New Dyslexia Day Logo

EDA is delighted to announce our new Dyslexia Day logo, following the agreement of our members at our recent General Assembly. October 8 is the date each year when we celebrate Dyslexia Day. The new logo was designed to create a strong, but simple, visual identity which all EDA members can use for their dyslexia […]

Neurodiversity at Work Project Begins

EDA is delighted to be a partner in a new Erasmus+ project on Neurodiveristy at Work (2021-1-IT01-KA2204-VET-000033362). The project started in late spring 2022 and will run until the end of 2024. The project has three phases of work: (1) The development of a Neurodiversity at Work awareness raising strategy. (2) The development of a […]

Dyslexia@Work Research Report

Phase two of the Dyslexia@Work Erasmus+ project was an Action Research phase aiming to bring to light knowledge, skills and good practices in terms of dyslexia and SLDs by workers and professionals who work in various capacities within companies and employment agencies in the five participating countries. 106 structured interviews were conducted with sector operators […]

Lyon Conference on Dyslexia@Work

The second multiplier event/conference of the Dyslexia@Work Erasmus+ project takes place in Lyon today, April 1, 2022. The hybrid event has over 400 people registered online in addition to the in-person attendees. As well as disseminating the results from the project’s research, we also look forward to sharing and discussing with attendees on how we […]

Dyslexia@Work Project Comparative Analysis

The report of the Phase 1 Comparative Analysis of Laws and Regulations in the 5 European countries participating in the Dyslexia@Work project has been published. The Comparative Analysis document summarizes and compares the laws and other regulations implemented in the 5 European countries participating in the project (Italy, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta). Generally, […]

Dyslexia Awareness Week

awareness week logo

Dyslexia Awareness Week will take place across Europe, and the world, from October 4 to 10 this year. Friday October 8 will be European Dyslexia Day. Please join EDA and our 40 member organisations (local and national dyslexia associations across Europe) as we come together to build awareness and understanding of dyslexia. Learn more about […]

Reading Disability and Document Access (RDDA) reports published

The Publications Office of the European Union has published the reports of the Reading Disability and Document Access (RDDA) project. The RDDA project aims to make the documents/publications and websites of the Commission and EU institutions more accessible for people with reading disabilities.  The EDA welcomes the publications of these reports, following our participation in […]

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