Dyslexia Awareness Week and Month

Dyslexia Awareness Month is celebrated worldwide each October.

Dyslexia Awareness Week is the first full week of October, always starting on the first Monday of October. Therefore Dyslexia Awareness Week will be October 7-13 in 2024.

International Dyslexia Day is now celebrated on October 8 every year.

EDA encourages all our members to make full use of Dyslexia Awareness Month, Week and Day. By coordinating the timing of our Dyslexia Awareness actions internationally, we amplify the message worldwide.

2024 – 7th October– 13th October

(Dyslexia Day is always on the 8th October)


In order to wider spread the word, please use the hash tag #EDADyslexiaday

We hope that this year will be the best ever for raising dyslexia awareness across Europe and the world. Do let us know what you do!  


The EDA has produced the logo below for members to use to support their dyslexia awareness events and activities.

Please contact us to let us know what awareness raising activities you are using the logo for.

Please read our Disclaimer (in the footer of this page) before you use our logos to learn when you are allowed to use it. 

Click the image, then click the “Share arrow” in the upper corner and select “Download image”.

Higher resolution versions for print can be found on Google Drive

Activities in Europe

Each country and dyslexia organisation organises their own activities, themes, and actions locally, aligned with the key issues of their dyslexic communities at national, regional or local level.

EDA aims to gather and share information on the key actions and themes of our members during Dyslexia Awareness Month. This enables all of us to see the commonality of issues faced across countries and regions, and also enables the sharing of ideas and advocacy.

Here are some of the themes and key activities for Dyslexia Awareness Month happening across Europe, which have been shared with us by our members:

Flag of United KingdomGreat Britain, British Dyslexia Association

At the British Dyslexia Association we know that each person with dyslexia experiences it in ways unique to them. Each will have their own set of strengths and challenges and tread their own path through life. We want to celebrate the diversity of the dyslexic community and the rich variety of lived experiences of dyslexia. That’s why we have chosen the theme of Uniquely You for Dyslexia Awareness Week. You are special. You are distinctive. You are exceptional.

Flag of United Kingdom Great Britain, Dyslexia Scotland

Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland

During Dyslexia Awareness Week this year we will be launching a special survey, the first of its kind in Scotland, to ‘take the temperature’ of what life is like for people with dyslexia in Scotland. The survey, designed in partnership with the University of Glasgow, will look at different critical areas of life such as identification, support and mental well-being.

Flag of United Kingdom Great Britain, Adult Dyslexia Centre

Dyslexia Awareness for the Adult Dyslexia Centre sees the launch of our new initiatives for Adult Dyslexics wherever you are.  It’s the start of a new in person Adult Support Group as well as an additional online Adult Support Group free to join from anywhere in the world.  We also have the launch of our new ANND collaboration with other organisations to explore neurodivergence and dyslexia at monthly online meetings.  And ‘Belonging at Work’ presented jointly with Succeed with Dyslexia and the Dyscalculia Network, where we explore whether it’s just a case of ‘fitting in’ or really ‘belonging’. 

Flag of France France, APEDA Dys France

Je suis "Dys". Poster from APEDA Dys France

APEDA Dys France will be present at the all day conference in Paris on Saturday October 14th, the 17th Journée Nationale des Dys. The theme this year is guidance and employement of young people with specific learning difficulty like dyslexia ( “I have a learning difficulty, what will I be when I grow up …”)

The APEDA Dys France volunteers will hold an information stand and will answer questions from attendees. 

The event is free. It takes place in Paris all day on Saturady 14th October 2023.

APEDA Dys France will also run a Q&A session on digital books and assistive technologies for people with dyslexia on October 19th. This event is free for our members. It will be online.

Flag of Ireland Ireland, Dyslexia Ireland

The theme for Dyslexia Month in Ireland in 2023 will be #DyslexiaRights and will focus on three strands – the right to assessment, the importance of dyslexic identity and the right to appropriate support. Dyslexia Ireland will be holding a briefing in the Oireachtas for Irish government respresentatives during Dyslexia Week, as well as various events and online campaigning throughout the month.

Flag of Italy Italy, Associazione Italiana Dislessia 

The theme for the Dyslexia Week in Italy is ‘Reading frees everyone: rights towards learning‘. The focus the event will be Italian law 170/2010 and the need to guarantee culture and knowledge to all, making them accessible. AID will be hosting many events both nationally and locally across Italy during the week. 

Flag of Malta Malta, Malta Dyslexia Association

During Dyslexia Awareness Week, The Malta Dyslexia Association (MDA) is raising awareness by encouraging Media to mention that October is Dyslexia Month, that the first week of October is Dyslexia Week, and that October 8, is International Day. The Malta Dyslexia Association is also sending its MDA Executive Council members on radio and TV. It is also using Facebook to promote awareness and issuing a press release.

Federación Plataforma Dislexia España

Dia dislexia Ocober 8

Each dyslexic person is unique and on 8th of October we’ll be celebrating each this, putting the spotlight once again on their needs. Some consider dyslexia a gift, others definitely do not. We want to show the world the wide range of experiences that exist and we are asking people with dyslexia to share them whether they are positive or negative and to tell us what strategies have they adopted, the challenges, their experience of the education system or in the workplace. We’re inviting people to share these experiences with us via social media. We’ll also be focusing on promoting the activities and resources of our local associations, so that people with dyslexia and their families know that they can access a support network near to them.

Flag of Sweden Sweden, Dyslexiföreningen

The theme for this year’s dyslexia week is The right to develop throughout life. The theme has a strong connection to the European Year of Skills 2023, which is an initiative of the EU.

The right to learn and develop applies to everyone – even people who have difficulty reading, writing or counting. During this year’s Dyslexic Week, we want to remind politicians and other decision-makers of everyone who needs more time, more support and more alternative paths to education and development. 

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