Umbrella organisation for Dyslexia organisations in Europe

Join us in Vienna!

EDA Summer seminars, june 27-28, 2025 in Vienna.

Our next Summer Seminars will take place in Vienna, Austria, June 27-28, 2025.

Early Bird tickets available!

painting with people looking at a fictive cloud of strings and letters searching for something

Are you dyslexic or have dyscalculia and in the age of 18-35?

We want YOU!

We are forming an European youth group to share experiences and shape our future. Join us!

Latest news

Dyscalculia Day - EDA logo
General news

Dyscalculia Day – March 3

EDA recognises March 3 as International Dyscalculia Day. EDA encourages all our members to make full use of Dyscalculia Day. By coordinating the timing of

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General news

SASLED Project

“Sports activities for people with specific learning disorders” (SASLED) is a “Partnership for collaboration” project whose main objective is to promote social inclusion and equal

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The EDA is involved in several projects on a European level. Visit these websites to learn more

INSIGHT: Inclusive teachiNg methodS in hIGHer educaTion

INSIGHT: Inclusive teachiNg methodS in hIGHer educaTion

The fundamental objective of INSIGHT is to identify, at university level, inclusive teaching strategies in order to improve the teaching-learning processes and participation, not only of students with SpLD (constantly increasing), but of all students (so as to eliminate an educational disparity). These strategies, consistent with the principles of Universal Design, can be disseminated and implemented in other training, university and school contexts, at a European and non-European level.

Neurodiversity at work

NEW is a 30-month initiative involving 6 European partners working to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises in creating more inclusive working environments that enhance the talents of neurodivergent people.

Dyslexia at work web page

Dyslexia at work

Dyslexia@Work is an Erasmus+ KA2 project (no. 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007433) which aims to increase access to employment for people with dyslexia. In particular, the aim is to implement a series of actions to improve the skills and professional development of the professional figures in charge (guidance consultants, specialists in the management and training of human resources in companies, operators of public employment services and individuals) on the subject of dyslexia and inclusion in the world of work.

Online course front-page

Online course

The online course “Dyslexia: How to identify it and What to do” is developed by Dyslexia and Literacy International and hosted by the European Dyslexia Association. This learning course is relevant to all teachers precisely because all teachers can expect to come across pupils with dyslexia to a greater or lesser degree in their classroom. This course creates awareness and presents appropriate responses to learners of different learning abilities in an inclusive classroom setting. Preferably, it is be used during Initial teacher Training.

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