Presentations from the 2013 European Parliament Conference in Brüssels in October.
Dyscalculia & Mathematical Learning Difficulties
Presentation by Giannis Karagiannakis
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Research Center of ! Psychophysiology & Education
European Parliament, Brussels, 2 October, 2013
Dyslexia -Definition and consequences
Presentation by Pernilla Söderberg, Linnaeus University, Sweden (EDA member)
Presented at the European Parliament Conference 2013 on October 2, 2013
© Pernilla Söderberg
No matter which country -No matter which language -Dyslexia is everywhere
The European Dyslexia Association and the European Passport for Teachers/Professionals working with Persons with Dyslexia (EUPALT) By SR Michael Kalmár, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the European Dyslexia Association – International Organisation for Specific Learning Disabilities (AISBL)
Presented at the European Parliament conference in Brussels, october 2, 2013
Transcript of speaches
This file contains transcripts from the speaches held at the European Parliament Conference in Brussel, October 2013.
Speech by Raymond Claes
Transcript of Raymond Claes speach at the European Parliament Conference, Brussel, October 2013.
The IBRA* project
Presentation of the IBRA project (*International Battery for Reading Assessment) by Professor Giacomo Stella, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy and member of the EDA board.
The presentation was held at the European parliament conference in Brussel, October 2013
The Importance of Early Recognition of Sp.L.D. – UK
Presentation held by Dr Kate Saunders, Chief Executive Officer at the British Dyslexia Association and board member of the EDA.
The presentation was held at the European Parliament Conference in Brussel, October 2013
Better Teacher Training for SpLD students stops early drop-out of schools: the DYSSpeLD project
Presentation of the DYSSpeLD project.
Developed by the Dysspeld Team and presented by Konstanze Edtstadler at the European Parliament Conference in Brussels, 02.10.2013
Dyslexia Code of Practice for Employers in the UK
By Dianne Giblin and Kate Saunders. Presented by Kate Saunders, Chief Executive Officer of the British Dyslexia Association and board member of the EDA.
Presented at the European Parliament Conference in Brussels, October 2013