Sad Announcement

EDA is sad to report the death of our former President Michael Kalmar who passed away this August. Michael was hugely dedicated to the field of dyslexia and to the development of the EDA. He was involved with EDA for several decades, as a Board member and later as Vice President and then President. Michael […]
Ms Rosie Bissett Voted New President Of The EDA

During the General Assembly of 2019, Rosie Bissett was elected chairperson succeeding Michael Kalmár who retired MEET OUR NEW PRESIDENT, ROSIE BISSETT, IRELAND After the General Assembly in Vaxjö (Sweden) on September 28th the new board of the European Dyslexia Association held its first meeting and elected Ms Rosie Bissett as chairperson. Ms Bissett has […]
President Of The European Parliament To EDA: “I Look Forward To Cooperating With You”

The newly elected President of the European Parliament. Mr David Sassoli expressed his “strong commitment to build a more inclusive and accessible Europe, which is one of the main priorities of our legislature.” At the opening of the European Dyslexia Association (EDA) seminar in Vaxjö (Sweden), the president of the EDA, Michael Kalmar received a […]
EDA Asks For An Inclusive Europe

An open letter to the EU election candidates The European Dyslexia Association reminds all candidates to the European Parliament that millions of citizens are still excluded from school and employment in Europe as dyslexia and specific learning disorders are often poorly taken into account. FOR AN INCLUSIVE SCHOOL IN EUROPE To achieve the European objectives […]