Call for papers

The European Dyslexia Association is delighted to announce the 6th All-European Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Conference taking place in Athens, Greece from 18 to 20 October, 2024. The EDA conference is held under the auspices of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and under the support of the Municipality of Athens

Prominent researchers in dyslexia and dyscalculia will deliver keynotes including:

  • Professor Stanislas Dehaene, Collége de France.
  • Professor Bert de Smedt, University of Leuven, Belgium.
  • Professor Silvia Paracchini, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
  • Emeritus Professor Timothy Shanahan, University of Illinois Chicago, USA.
  • Associate Professor Fotini Polychroni, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
  • Professor in residence Maryanne Wolf, UCLA, USA

The conference will feature lecturers presenting best practice and scientific knowledge regarding dyslexia & dyscalculia, a series of hands-on workshops for researchers and practitioners as well as opportunities for people to meet and network. The conference language will be English.

Call for papers

The call for papers has ended. The deadline for submissions was February 11, 2024.

Oral  Presentations

Presenters report their research work in an oral presentation of 20 minutes. 

The submission should consist of:

a title (max 100 characters), author(s), purpose (max 600 characters), method (max 600 characters), and results/conclusions (max 600 characters). 

Please make sure your submission includes your contact details.


Workshop sessions involve interaction between presenters and participants around an idea or specific area of practice. Workshop sessions can be either 20 minutes or 40 minutes total.

The submission should consist of:

a title (max 100 characters), what the workshop is about (max 400 characters), your target audience (max 100 characters), and conclusions (max 400 characters).

Please make sure your submission includes your contact details.

Poster sessions

Posters will be physical displays (size will be confirmed later on). Each poster should include a brief abstract of the purpose and procedures of the work, and research conclusions. Poster authors may also provide handouts to share with attendees during the Poster Sessions which will be scheduled to allow poster authors to engage with the delegates.  

The submission should consist of:

a title (max 100 characters), author(s), purpose (max 600 characters), method (max 600 characters), and results/conclusions (max 600 characters).

Please make sure your submission includes your contact details.

You must specify if you prefer to have your presentation as an Oral Presentation, a Poster or as a Workshop.

You must specify your contribution as being either a Research presentation, a Professional presentation or Personal experiences.

EDA will not accept any presentations trying to promote commercial products, companies or services.

If accepted, your submission details will be used to form an abstract for the conference programme and will be published on the conference website.

Successful submissions will be used within the conference programme and by submitting work, you agree to provide a copy of your handouts no later than 1 week before the conference so we can share it with participants as we aim to be as dyslexia friendly as possible.

If you wish to submit more than one oral presentation/poster/workshop you should submit each one separately. 

The deadline for submitting has expired.