
Poster programme EDA Dyslexia Conference 2024

Interactive poster session 1

Friday October 18, 15:50 – 16:20

Interactive poster session 2

Saturday October 19, 16:00 – 16:30

There are two different interactive poster sessions in the programme. Take the opportunity to  interact with the following researchers and learn more about their research.

The posters are sorted in alphabetical title order.

Latest updates

2024-09-05: Predispositions of Dyslexia in Preschool-Aged Children in Kosovo and Poland– Blerta Krasniqi, PhD. Candidate at University of the National Education Commission, Krakow – ADDED

2024-09-04: Individualized and adaptive visual adaptations to support reading difficulties in dyslexia – Camille ROULLET, Université Claude Bernard Lyon, France – ADDED

2024-08-30: Developmental Dyslexia & Attention: evidence from dichotic listening tasks  – Yiannis Metaxas & Filippos Vlachos, Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly, Greece – ADDED

2024-08-12: Naming processing of pupils with dyslexia revealed by electroencephalography in transparent Croatian language – Maja Perkušić Čović, Polyclinic for rehabilitation of people with developmental disorders, Croatia – ADDED

2024-09-04: Explanatory variables of assessment accommodations fairness, validity and usefulness for students with dyslexia – Leonor Ribeiro, Universidade do Minho, Portugal – CANCELLED

2024-07-30: Increasing Reading Fluency in Young Adult Readers Using Audiobooks & Book Projects – Dr. Britta Padberg-Schmitt, University of Muenster, Germany – CANCELLED

2024-07-30: Six Steps to Helping a Dyslexic Child Begin to Read: A Case Study – Dr. Britta Padberg-Schmitt, University of Muenster, Germany – CANCELLED


Academic challenges and formal/informal practices in Tertiary Education concerning Specific Learning Difficulties; Case study analysis of a Greek Pedagogical Department*

Advancing Spelling Proficiency: Integrating Psychometric Assessment and Tailored Interventions for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

An Exploratory Case Study on the Role of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in supporting the inclusion of learners with dyslexia in an Irish HEI: Perspectives of Lecturers and Dyslexic students

Assistive technology in English as a foreign language education in the Danish comprehensive school

A Tier 2 Phonological Intervention for 6-Year-Old Pupils at Risk for Reading Difficulties: A Pilot Study*

Can a Phonetic Alphabet (ITA) Intervention Repair Phonological Deficits in English-Speaking Dyslexics?

Compound Processing: An Eye-Tracking Study On Italian Adolescents With Developmental Dyslexia

Dealing with dyslexia in Germany, Sweden and Canada – the affected individuals’ perception and teachers’ perception


Developmental Dyslexia & Attention: evidence from dichotic listening tasks

Developmental Dyslexia and pseudoword reading: An eye-tracking study

Differentiated Assessment for High School Students with Learning Difficulties: The Use of Choice Boards in a Literature-Based English Class*

Dissociation between Attention and Phonological Processing in Developmental Dyslexia: New Evidence from Italian

Dyslexia within the Interdisciplinary Field of Tension: A Case Study in Austria

Early cortical tracking of auditory stimuli predicts reading skills: A one-year longitudinal study

The Effects of Psychodrama on Psychological Flexibility of the Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Dyslexia

Effects of Early Bilingualism on Laterality in a Dichotic Listening Task*

Evaluation of an executive function intervention for children with specific learning disorders

Explanatory variables of assessment accommodations fairness, validity and usefulness for students with dyslexia


Exploration of Croatian teachers’ attitudes about students with dyslexia


Exploring Dyslexia Awareness in Teacher Training: Preliminary Findings from Copenhagen

Eye movements and on-line indicators as markers of written language disorders: the case of dyslexia

Finding Common MicroRNA Molecules Regulating the Expression of the Genes Associated with Dyslexia*

How learning English affects the reading strategies of Italian learners with dyslexia: An eye-tracking study

INCLUSION & BEYOND: facilitating academic success and job placement of university students with SLD

Increasing Reading Fluency in Young Adult Readers Using Audiobooks & Book Projects


Individualized and adaptive visual adaptations to support reading difficulties in dyslexia


It takes a village, so where is my dyslexic friendly village?*

Learning an opaque second language boosts the visual attention span: Evidence in skilled and dyslexic readers

My friend’s name is Dyslexia*


Naming processing of pupils with dyslexia revealed by electroencephalography in transparent Croatian language

The Phonological Skills Assessment And Correlations With Dyslexia

Prediction of sound-symbol-learning for later reading performance

Predispositions of Dyslexia in Preschool-Aged Children in Kosovo and Poland


Psychological adjustment and educational support: Experiences of students with dyslexia in higher education

Reading predictors in preschool children: a didactic intervention on phonological awareness

Schizotypal traits in populations with dyslexia and social adaptation difficulties


Six Steps to Helping a Dyslexic Child Begin to Read: A Case Study

Special support for children with dyslexia: a tool for inclusion or a barrier to equal opportunities in learning?*

Specific Reading Disorder and reading comprehension in English: The impact of differentiated instructions

Students with Specific Educational Needs in the Foreign Language (FL) Classroom: Perspectives from FL teachers

Study Of English As An Additional Language In Students With Dyslexia

What are the forces affecting the inclusion of learners with dyslexia in mainstream secondary schools in England?

What do Greek early childhood teachers know about dyslexia? A preliminary exploratory study

Written Language Production of Greek Adolescents with Dyslexia

Using error analysis to study the word and pseudoword reading of children and adolescents with Developmental Dyslexia

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