Call for papers 2025

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia: A Question of Definition & Assessment in Practice

The European Dyslexia Association, in cooperation with the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien), is happy to announce the European Dyslexia Summer Seminars in Vienna, Austria, from Friday 27th to Saturday 28th of June, 2025. 

Confirmed Keynotes

  • Gerd Schulte-Körne
  • Julia Carroll
  • Giacomo Stella

Conference language will be English.

Call for papers

The conference will feature presentations on best practice, policy and science regarding dyslexia (reading and/or spelling disorder) and dyscalculia as well as opportunities for people to meet and network.

You are invited to submit a spoken research presentation or a research poster, on the subject of dyslexia and/or dyscalculia related to theory as well as practice.
Papers which align well with the conference theme will be prioritised. 

For research presentations or posters, your submission should consist of:

  • Title (max 100 characters),
    • Authors, Affiliation
  • Presenter (if accepted, state who will be presenting)
  • Purpose (max 600 characters)
  • Method (max 600 characters),
  • Results/conclusions (max 600 characters)

Please specify if you prefer to have your presentation as an oral presentation or as an interactive poster. Specify also if it is a dyslexia or dyscalculia subject.

Submit your abstract by using the form below.

Each oral presentation will be allowed 20 minutes max. (i.e. 15 minutes for the presentation and five minutes of Q&A).

We will not accept any presentations trying to promote products, companies or services.

Posters will be presented in interactive poster sessions (at last 5 minutes for each presentation plus discussion).


The deadline for submitting your contribution is March 9th 2025. You will be informed about the results of the review-process by early April 2025.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at

You still need to register for the seminars! The registration will open in late February 2025.

Please note: If accepted, your submission details will be used to form an abstract for the conference programme.

By sending in your presentation to us you accept this.

Fill out this form to submit

Your information

Your abstract

You can upload your presentation as a Word, Powerpoint or PDF file. Max 10mb.
NOTE: Remember not to put any contact information in your file that you do not want to be shared with the public. Do not put information to the reviewers in the file. Use the Comments field below instead.

Authors and presenter

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